Physiotherapy & Osteopathy Munich
Dear patients,
I am very happy to be at your side on Wednesdays here in the gynecological practice of Dr. med. Anker for the following
following areas:
Yours Natalie Kuleschova
- Naturopath
- 5 year training at the International Academy of Osteopathy (IAO)
- State-approved physiotherapist
- Nutrition therapist
- Personal trainer

Osteopathy – how does it work?
In order to detect the imbalance that is responsible for the complaints, the osteopath uses only his hands. The aim is always to find out the specific cause of the complaints.
Ziel ist es dabei immer, die konkrete Ursache der Beschwerden herauszufinden.
Das heißt, es geht nicht primär
This means that the primary goal is not to eliminate the symptoms (e.g., pain), but to
but to bring the body back into balance.
Ist dies geschehen, reguliert und Once this has happened, the body regulates and heals itself according to the osteopathic view, whereby the complaints also diminish or even disappear completely.
Osteopathy can be used for, among other things:
- Disorders of the musculoskeletal system: joint problems of all kinds, lumbago,
- Sciatica, whiplash, sprains, injuries
- Internal disorders: digestive problems, heartburn,
- Consequences of operations (scars, adhesions), functional heart problems
- Ear, nose and throat disorders: headaches, sinusitis, chronic middle ear
- Inflammation of the middle ear, tonsillitis, tinnitus, temporomandibular joint problems
- Urogenital disorders: menstrual cramps, pregnancy, childbirth preparation,
- Menopausal problems
- Childhood disorders: cranial and facial deformities, kiss syndrome, scoliosis, hip dysplasia,
- Developmental delays, learning and concentration disorders, attention deficit syndrome, disabilities
- Disorders of the skin
- Respiratory therapy
Osteopathy treats the body as a whole. Therefore, the osteopathic treatment of women with gynecological complaints and gynecological complaints as well as the accompaniment during and after pregnancy plays a major role.
Especially also in the treatment of the abdominal organs, the pelvic organs must not be neglected.
One treatment costs between 75-140 €.
If the costs are not reimbursed by your health insurance, the amount must be paid independently. As a non-medical practitioner, I can bill most private insurance companies according to their fee regulations. However, not all insurance companies reimburse 100% of the treatment price.
Reliable scheduling is very important to me in the interest of all patients. Therefore, I ask you to cancel appointments that you cannot keep at least 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, I reserve the right to charge you privately for the unkept appointment. I ask for your understanding for this measure.

You still have questions, a request or want an appointment? Please feel free to call me or send me an email.
Phone: 004915146539999
Until then, I wish you all the best and remain with kind regards,
Natalie Kuleschova
*Frau Natalie Kuleshova ist ausschließlich selbstständig tätig. Es besteht ein eigenständiges Betreuungsverhältnis.
Die Abrechnung erfolgt direkt durch Frau Kuleshova mit Ihnen beziehungsweise mit Ihrer Krankenkasse.